Jenny Braunginn


Notable Achievements:

Braunginn, J., Larsen-Klodd, K., Pagano, L., & Vargas, N. (2021). Self-care and self-advocacy: Keeping cool while increasing engagement. In T. Cox, T. Fitzgerald, & M. Alvarez (Eds.) The art of becoming indispensable: What school social workers need to know in their first three years of practice. Oxford University Press.

UW-Madison School of Social Work Achievement Award, 2017

Social Workers Confronting Racial Injustice Conference chair & committee member, UW-Madison School of Social Work, 2017-present

Invited Conference Presenter for School Social Work Association of America; Wisconsin School Social Work Association , NASW-Wisconsin & Illinois School Social Work Association

Board member & Legislative committee, Wisconsin School Social Work Association

Social Worker of the Year Award, 2012. Joining Forces for Families, Dane County Dept. of Human Services

Local Activist Award 2011 & 2012, Wisconsin Education Association Council (WEAC)

Senior Teaching Faculty II and Project manager for Post-MSW School Social work licensure 

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