During my career as a school social worker I addressed a wide variety of problem situations involving teens and their families. These encompassed many diverse and serious psychiatric conditions and death events. I was directly involved in the assessment and/or treatment of approximately 10,000 troubled teens. I developed several successful Tier One programs involving educational classroom presentations to over 25,000 students. I also developed and conducted several research projects, including three that were published in social work journals and have provided over 75 professional education workshops at the local, state, and national level. These career-related experiences have provided me with many valuable lessons and a level of wisdom that I feel grateful to possess and am happy to share with anyone who is seeking advice or support in the face of a difficult situation within a school setting.
In my retirement I continue to provide professional educational presentations to local, state, and national groups of school social workers and other mental health professionals. I’m also available to give educational presentations on various topics to students and parents at the secondary level and I am trained, experienced, and prepared to be called upon to assist a school district in the wake of a student suicide, school shooting or other sudden death event. Additional information about myself and helpful information for school social workers can be viewed at www.jerryciffone.com.